Welcome to Kids Around Dogs®
About UsWhat is Kids Around Dogs®?
KAD - Kids Around Dogs® is an award winning association of Dog Professionals and Child Care Professionals who specialise in working with families and schools to help children and dogs to live in harmony together.
Debby Lucken (ISCP.Dip.Canine.Prac.), the founder of KAD, has also designed a successful protocol to overcome the fear of dogs in kids and adults, which all KAD Approved Professionals are qualified to use.
KAD - What is Kids Around Dogs®
"The fear of dogs is in the mind, and your mind can be changed" - Debby Lucken, Founder of KAD
My child would run to try and get away, panic, hide, do everything he could to avoid the dog e.g. cross the road. The protocol was delivered with great communication; the sessions pitched just right; humour used and they were led by the child. All just brilliant! It has been life changing for us for the better!
by Liz B. (mother of Jack, 7 on the protocol to overcome the fear of dogs in kids)
KAD gives children confidence when dealing with dogs while teaching the importance of respect and consideration for our canine companions! Their training methods are truly beneficial for both adults and children.
by Abby S. (with Charlie & Libby and Bella the Golden Retriever)
Jessica just could not be anywhere near a dog; she would climb up us to get away. It was so difficult just to get out of the house. The protocol sessions were fun and short. She was teaching me as well as Jessica. We would go on walks and talk about the dogs we could see in the distance. Slowly she began to realise that dogs were not a threat. She now understands and feels more in control.
by Stephanie R. (mother of Jessica, 5 on the Protocol to overcome the fear of dogs in kids)